Ronnie Geel

My name is Ronnie Geel. I do the books for Yadah Yah ministries. With my limited accounting knowledge I help a very dear friend who spends most of his time supporting two orphanages in the Molweni area near Waterfall.

Through you, our Annual Financial Statements are being handled by Renisha. I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled and grateful I am to you and to her for the professional manner in which she has dealt with this matter. It goes way beyond her work. She is hands on, and operates on a level that way exceeds expectations and standards in the market place today.

I have approached no fewer than eight companies to undertake this work. Only PATC has shown their willingness in a true sense of the word to get this done. I am so happy that we are getting closer to sign off. Your fees to undertake this work are minuscule in comparison to the results which I truly appreciate. Thankfully I have been able to subsidize this ministry in small ways, most of all credit to you guys. any shortfall in fees will be covered by me.

I want you to know that I am indebted to you for what you are doing for me and this little organisation. I am unable to put into words how much this means to us and how truly grateful we are.

Thank you so much.

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