Investment Advice

Investment Advice

We at PATC (Professional Accountants and Tax Consultants) can assist you in making decisions regarding how or where to invest your money. We will also be able to calculate what your expected return should be. We outsource our Financial Service Providers.

Let answer your questions:

  • What rate of return should you expect?
  • What are your alternatives? Maybe you want to rather open your own business?
  • What is the underlying risk of the investment you are considering? Risk generally equals expected return. The higher the risk the higher the expected return!
  • Which investments from an Accountants’ perspective are considered safe?
  • How much tax must you provide for on that particular investment?
  • If the investment had to fail, would it be tax deductible?


For a FREE* first consult or for more information, Contact us today.
*Approximately 1 hour is free T’s and C’s Apply