Together We Can Make A Difference
We at PATC (Professional Accountants and Tax Consultants) believe corporate social responsibility to be an imperative facet of any business.
As a business in the finance sector, we are passionate about helping others to grow and develop in their quest for life.
Our appetite for upliftment and social cohesion forms the foundation of our corporate social responsibility and provides us with the determination and drive that is needed to fully support initiatives or organisations that strive to benefit the communities we live in. We aim to impact our economy and community at large; changing lives one step at a time.
We at PATC have partnered with Mama Mimi’s to bring you The Mama Mimi’s Franchise; as well as The Mercury Hibberdene Children’s Holiday Home in order to help uplift our community through the provision of basic human needs.
“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronisingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.” – Nelson Mandela
“A collaboration between a baker and a businessman, one with a great product, the other with a massive vision. Together creating opportunities and changing lives.”
Mama Mimi’s is a local non-profit organisation whose aim is to uplift communities by enabling local women and entrepreneurs in communities to become avid bakers by providing them with speciliased ovens and ingredients for healthy, homemade bread that they are then able to sell to members of the community in order to generate income, help alleviate hunger and create employment.
The Mercury Hibberdene Children’s Holiday Home is a sanctuary for children. Situated on the South Coast, the home provides underprivileged children with a quiet retreat, allowing them to enjoy a much needed holiday break at the beach.
The Mercury Hibberdene Children’s Holiday Home is funded through donations, street-collections and fund-raising initiatives. With a strong desire to uplift the community’s underprivileged children and provide them with a fun, loving and caring place to enjoy their holidays, The Mercury Hibberdene Children’s Holiday Home is a beautiful initiative with a big heart. For more information, visit the Mama Mimi’s Franchise website
If you wish to get involved in our fight to uplift this economy, combat poverty and provide for the underprivileged, please feel free to visit the Mama Mimi’s Franchise website and The Mercury Hibberdene Children’s Holiday Home website to find out more about each initiative and how you can donate or assist.