What info do you need and how can PATC help?
You might be cringing at the thought of submitting your tax returns but it need not be that difficult, let us help you tick off the check list and get all your tax documents in order and we will submit your tax return for you.
- Firstly you will need an IRP5, (this is the employees’ tax certificate your employer issues to you) however this is not essential as we can get this information for you from SARS.
- If you have a retirement annuity with will need to provide a contributions certificate.
- You also need to provide all details of medical expenses incurred and this information will be sent to you directly from your medical aid provider.
- Details of medical expenses paid by you but not covered by medical scheme.
- If you receive a travel allowance, please provide details of business travel such as a Log Book, details of your car (make, model, registration number of the car and purchase price).
- Further information that you may need to provide is financial statements, if applicable e.g. business income, certificates that you received in respect of investment income [IT3 (b)] and or any other documentation relating to income you received or deductions you want to claim or we can assist you to prepare the Annual Financial Statements.
- Certificates you received for the local interest income earned.
- Any other documentation relating to income received or accrued, such as remuneration that has not been reported to SARS by your employer, or business or investment income, etc.
- Banking particulars (I.e. Bank account number, bank name, branch code branch name type of account).
- Completed confirmation of diagnosis of disability form (ITR-DD) if applicable.
- Information relating to foreign tax credits withheld.
Please note that although we will be using all of the above documentation to complete your return, it is NOT submitted to SARS with your return. You must retain this documentation for a period of five years in case SARS calls for them.
For a complete guide on all the documents you require for your tax return, or if you need assistance filling your tax return, please contact the tax consultants at PATC today!